On the ABC TV’s news at 7:15pm, was a story about a man who committed suicide and included the children when he did it. Apparently he did it in the garage with the cars exhaust as far as I could understand. But that wasn’t the part that caught my attention so much, even though it was a tragic event I was appalled by the back tracking of the widowing wife. She appeared in court pregnant to her new partner and according to ABC news, had embarked on a crusade to stop domestic violence since the deaths. Did I think this was normal, even though the circumstances included her children? No, definitely not. It led me to be suspicious about the level of her guilty conscience.
Considering the way in which the media were playing the story up to suit the widow and the circumstances of which surrounded the cause of suicidal events which saw the man take his own life, along with the children, had me soon realizing that the media were again looking to play up women as the sole owner of children and as a specific very nasty way of denying suicide. When the announcer made the statement that “he (the man) had made a video to his wife, saying that he could not live without his children & his children could not live without him”; straight away I realized the depth to the argument and exactly what was going on. He was having his rights as a parent removed by the Police and his wife at the time and this is what drove him to the natural action of suicide. The ABC reporter was giving the story with psychological suggestion, which was to make the public think that the fault of this entire subject was on the man’s shoulders. The ABC announcer stating that “after the traumatic events of their deaths” the woman had called for “the government to take stronger action on domestic violence”; however, there was no mention about the woman’s role in the antagonized affair that led to the circumstances surrounding the issue, just the residue of guilt. There was no mention about the roll the government played in the circumstances that led to the issue and there definitely wasn’t any mention of the Police’s role that led to the death of her husband or her children but the police did front the camera’s to expel any onus of their involvement by saying, “it was his fault because he had hit her the night before & didn’t want to go to Gaol”.
That has to be the lamest excuse since the father that shot himself and his children, thanks to Bob Carr and the NSW Police antagonized situation of 2002, during the Pauline Hanson court case. They are so busy trying to play social unrest within the marital-divorce situation; they have to come up with all sorts of lame excuses to justify their actions and support the feminist child molester get her way. Any woman, who uses children to instigate a separation of the father from the child because of a fight between the adults, is a child abusing molester whether you like it or not. Any religious nomination that has to support women to abuse their children for the sake of their beliefs has RMI; (religious mental illness) and at the same time is a child abusing molester.Considering the way in which the media were playing the story up to suit the widow and the circumstances of which surrounded the cause of suicidal events which saw the man take his own life, along with the children, had me soon realizing that the media were again looking to play up women as the sole owner of children and as a specific very nasty way of denying suicide. When the announcer made the statement that “he (the man) had made a video to his wife, saying that he could not live without his children & his children could not live without him”; straight away I realized the depth to the argument and exactly what was going on. He was having his rights as a parent removed by the Police and his wife at the time and this is what drove him to the natural action of suicide. The ABC reporter was giving the story with psychological suggestion, which was to make the public think that the fault of this entire subject was on the man’s shoulders. The ABC announcer stating that “after the traumatic events of their deaths” the woman had called for “the government to take stronger action on domestic violence”; however, there was no mention about the woman’s role in the antagonized affair that led to the circumstances surrounding the issue, just the residue of guilt. There was no mention about the roll the government played in the circumstances that led to the issue and there definitely wasn’t any mention of the Police’s role that led to the death of her husband or her children but the police did front the camera’s to expel any onus of their involvement by saying, “it was his fault because he had hit her the night before & didn’t want to go to Gaol”.
What low life scum the government is to support the actions of a child abusing molester and again become the child abusing and molesting faculty of the whole charade.